Monday, January 18, 2010

Penang Dragon boat mishap

Finally all the bodies has been found...

6 in total. Teacher's and students. All innocent people. But all vanish from the beautiful world. R.I.P.

Coming back to Dragonboat, i will recall this very famous man in China. The emperor didnt take his advice, instead, he preferred his sweet talking nemesis advice. He felt depressed. And he jump into the river. When people learn that he jumped, they came along with rice dumplings, throwing it into the sea hoping that the fishes will eat the dumplings instead of his body.

Now, back to the mishap, the students was training for their competition. They had no idea that there will be a strong current wave. What they say is true " the sea is only safe when you know how dangerous it is". It is unpredictable. Who would have thought a simple training session will turn out to be a tragedy?

I hate to see all these news, innocent people leaving the world for no specific reason. Leaving their close one's, parents, relatives, friends, even the world, feeling sad and heart broken over the news that the victims will never able to laugh and live to see the future.

What we can really do. Is to treasure everyday. Live like there is no tomorrow. I think this is how we pay our tribute back to them. God bless y'all. R>I>P


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