Monday, May 05, 2008

Busy Busi!

Phewz! finally, the busy week ends here. So Much too blog, yet so little time. A short little update before i start, i GOT my new Mobile PC! Finally... my first own. Then my mom came back, then this then that then this and that !! Picture may speaks louder than words, but in the modern world, pictures can be deceiving as well, believe half is good enough, especially in this 21st century! All Right! okie.. enough bullshitting! 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 3, 2, 1!
First Picture of my camera!
Nice Le!

The Package!! Finally!!

The Bag For the PRECIOUS!!


Well, end of story, but trust me, im still deeeply, indulging myself in this precious, everytime i switch it on there is a sense of satisfaction...
and for the first picture, see once enough! or i will DIG your eyes balls out! Yes You! OOOI! You!
Take care Peeps!