Boring thoughts.
I am a person who hardly says No. and a person who always try to be nice even though i know i am on
the losing end. Always. And it always end up with results that i feel unsatisfied.
I think, sometimes i really pay respect to my male counterparts who can really be very *Jue Qing* or cold heart-ed. Not a chance given. Straight to the point. I cant. I often prefer it to end on a very nice conclusion or at least good will.
Girls especially, are the most cold heart-ed. If no chance, means no chance, trying might not be an option. for this generation, presumably, not all. but most i guess. i think it is the same for guys as well. but comparatively. i think girls will have a slight edge on it.
I do not know how to be jue qing/cold heart-ed, even tho i will really love to practice it on some1 else one day ( even tho i know it is nearly impossible ). It is just not my style. But i am afraid that it will bring trouble to myself. The thing i always believe, trust and being persistent, is it worth it? the thing i do, even tho i dare to chase again what i wish, what i want, will i dare to own it? What if, i do not want to be like this anymore?
Finally, What i do, believe and own yesterday, will always be a memory to me. N for what i want to have tomorrow, let it come with the wind. I will just accept the way it is.